Friday, December 12, 2014

This is a spoiler free review of Bizenghast Volume 8 by M. Alice LeGrow.

First off, let me state that I have been waiting for forever to finish this series. Book 7 had left off at such a cliffhanger and it seemed like the world had put everything in the way to stop me from finishing the series. But I did and I loved it. 

My one critique is that after such a climax in the previous book it felt like it ended too quickly. 

But I did love how it ended. I was listening to Centuries by FOB as I read it. Very appropriate considering how it ended. 
The book tied up all loose ends. And it was a "relatively" happy ending. It also opened up the possibility of fan fictions. Heh. 

All in all I loved it. I might just have to reread the series just to get back into the mausoleum's world.

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